eISSN 2234-3814

Table. 3.

QC values and AMR for selected LC-MS/MS assays reported in the literature

Assay Analyte QC1 QC2 QC3 QC4 LLOQ ULOQ Unit Reference
Thyroglobulin in serum Thyroglobulin 3.8 5.5 22.3 NA 2 20 ng/mL [111]
7.1 23.7 57.4 NA 0.8 100 [112]
2.3 6.5 172.8 NA 0.5 1,045 [113]
0.1 0.5 4 NA 0.02 20 [114]
Testosterone in serum Testosterone 0.44 12.11 37.34 0.86* 0.035 69.34 nM [115]
0.415 7.23 NA NA 0.0346 138.4 [116]
E1 and E2 in serum Estrone (E1) 3 30 NA NA 1.2 156.8 pg/mL [117]
7.82 16.71 77.17 208.93 5 200 [118]
Estradiol (E2) 1.5 22.5 NA NA 1.3 56.5 pg/mL [117]
8.37 17.92 77.28 205.8 5 200 [118]
25-OH Vitamin D in serum 25-OH Vitamin D3 27 118 209 NA 25 545 nM [50]
55 87 NA NA 5 316 [119]
31 62 125 NA 1.2 211 [120]
25-OH Vitamin D2 36 120.5 205 NA 25 545 nM [50]
52 76 NA NA 4 250 [119]
30 61 121 NA 1.2 205 [120]
Immunosuppressants in whole blood Tacrolimus 1.9 46.7 97.3 NA 0.5 150 ng/mL [121]
2.9 7.6 16 34 0.6 44.7 [122]
5 15 40 NA 1 50 [123]
Sirolimus 1.9 24 76.9 NA 0.5 100 ng/mL [12]
2.7 10 20 40 0.6 51.4 [122]
5 15 40 NA 2.5 50 [123]
Cyclosporine A 50 250 480 1,120 11.6 1,850 ng/mL [122]
50 800 1,600 NA 10 2,000 [123]
Everolimus 2.6 5 10 34 0.6 46.3 ng/mL [122]
5 15 40 NA 2.5 50 [123]

*QC4 is used only when assaying samples from females.

Abbreviations: LC-MS/MS, liquid chromatography-tandem mass spectrometry; QC, quality control; LLOQ, lower limit of quantification; ULOQ, upper limit of quantification; AMR, analytical measurement range; NA, not applicable.

Ann Lab Med 2022;42:121~140

© Ann Lab Med