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Fig. 1.
Application of the TE-first algorithm. (A) TE/ELF approach. (B) TE/M2BPGi approach. The expected number of LBs was lower in the TE/M2BPGi approach than in the TE/ELF approach, with no statistical difference (9.9% [15/152] vs. 13.2% [20/152], P=0.398). The discordance rate in the low-risk group was significantly lower in the TE/M2BPGi approach than in the TE/ELF approach (1.5% [2/136] vs. 11.0% [15/136], P=0.002).
Abbreviations: TE, transient elastography; LC, liver cirrhosis; ELF, enhanced liver fibrosis; M2BPGi, Mac-2 binding protein glycosylation isomer; LB, liver biopsy.
© Ann Lab Med