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Fig. 1. Comparison of CoaguChek XS Plus and ACL TOP 750 INR values using Passing–Bablok regression analysis. Solid lines, regression lines; dashed lines, 95% CI limits. Passing–Bablok regression analysis was performed for (A) the total range of INR values (N=400), (B) INR values ≤3.0 (N=320), and (C) INR values >3.0 (N=80). (D–F) Comparison of CoaguChek XS Plus and ACL TOP 750 INR values using Bland–Altman plots (D) in the total range of mean INR values, (E) at INR values ≤3, and (F) at INR values >3.0. The difference between two values (Y-axis) is plotted against the average of ACL TOP 750 and CoaguChek XS Plus values (X-axis). Solid lines, mean differences in INR values between the two tests; dashed lines, lower and upper limits of agreement (mean±1.96 SD) between test results. Abbreviations: INR, international normalized ratio; CI, confidence interval.
Ann Lab Med 2023;43:337~344

© Ann Lab Med