eISSN 2234-3814

Table. 2.

Risk stratification based on the three diagnostic scoring systems for the prediction of TMA due to severe ADAMTS13 deficiency

Scoring system Number of risk groups Risk category Patients, N (%) P*

TMA (–) TMA (+)
FTMA-S Three L 7 (6.9) 0 (0.0) 0.006
I 48 (47.5) 12 (27.3)
H 46 (45.6) 32 (72.7)
Two L–I 55 (54.5) 12 (27.3) 0.003
H 46 (45.5) 32 (72.7)
PLASMIC-S Three L 49 (48.5) 2 (4.5) < 0.001
I 34 (33.7) 6 (13.6)
H 18 (17.8) 36 (81.8)
Two L–I 83 (82.2) 8 (18.2) < 0.001
H 18 (17.8) 36 (81.8)
B-S Three L 94 (93.1) 35 (79.6) 0.055
I 5 (4.9) 7 (15.9)
H 2 (2.0%) 2 (4.5%)
Two L–I 99 (98.0) 42 (95.5) 0.585
H 2 (2.0) 2 (4.5)

*P-values were obtained using the chi-square/Fisher’s exact test (for numbers <5 in each section).

Abbreviations: TMA, thrombotic microangiopathy; ADAMTS13, a disintegrin and metalloprotease with thrombospondin type 1 motif, member 13; FTMA-S, French TMA score; PLASMIC-S, PLASMIC score; B-S, BENTLEY score; L, low risk; I, intermediate risk; H, high risk.

Ann Lab Med 2023;43:485~492

© Ann Lab Med