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Fig. 2. Relationships between subtypes in the study population classified according to the 2016 WHO, 2022 WHO, and 2022 ICC classifications. Reclassification based on the (A) 2022 WHO and (B) 2022 ICC classifications. *AML with recurrent genetic abnormalities is not a valid category in the 2022 ICC classification. The term was adopted from the WHO to characterize eight AML cases with mutated NPM1, three AML cases with in-frame bZIP-mutated CEBPA, and one AML case with other rare recurring translocations.
Abbreviations: MDS-EB, MDS with excess blasts; MRC, myelodysplasia-related changes; NOS, not otherwise specified; t-MN, therapy-related myeloid neoplasms; IB, increased blasts; MR, myelodysplasia-related; ICC, International Consensus Classification.
Ann Lab Med 2023;43:503~507

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