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Fig. 3.
Boxplots showing TP53 VAF levels stratified by TP53 mutation states. (A) Comparison of VAF levels between the single TP53 mutation (1mut) and multi-hit TP53 alteration groups. (B) Comparison of VAF levels between single TP53 mutation and various subtypes of multi-hit TP53 alterations. Multi-hit TP53 alterations comprise two TP53 mutations (2mut), a single TP53 mutation with copy number loss of TP53 (Mut+del), and a single TP53 mutation with cnLOH (Mut+cnLOH). *P<0.1, Wilcoxon–Mann–Whitney test; each multi-hit TP53 alteration subgroup was compared to the single TP53 mutation group.
Abbreviations: VAF, variant allele fraction; cnLOH, copy number neutral loss of heterozygosity.
© Ann Lab Med