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Fig. 3.
Scatter plots depicting the predicted AUC24 or concentration (using 1st TDM occasion data) versus reference AUC24 (estimated using 2nd TDM occasion data) or measured concentration (N=54), respectively. The predicted values were obtained using trough (left; A, C, E, G, I, K) or both trough and peak (right; B, D, F, H, J, L) concentration data. Reference values are AUCestimated[T&P] for (A) and (B); AUCestimated[T] for (C) and (D); AUCEq.(4) for (E) and (F); AUCEq.(5) for (G) and (H); trough Cmeasured for (I) and (J); and peak Cmeasured for (K) and (L). The dashed lines are the identity lines. The gray lines represent locally estimated scatterplot smoothing curves to assist visual exploration of trends.
Abbreviations: AUC24, area under the concentration-–time curve normalized to 24 hours (mg∙hr/L); TDM, therapeutic drug monitoring.
© Ann Lab Med