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Fig. 2.
Regression lines (A and B) and Bland–Altman plots (C and D) of eGFR values between Gentianeq and CKD-EPIcys using cysC values with Gentiancys and Rochecys. The Y-axes of (C) and (D) are the differences in eGFR between Gentianeq and CKD-EPIcys.
Abbreviations: eGFR, estimated glomerular filtration rate; cysC, cystatin C; Gentiancys, Gentian cystatin C immunoassay; Rochecys, Tina-quant Gen.2 analysis; Gentianeq, equation of Gentian manufacturer; CKD-EPIcys, CKD-EPI cystatin C equation.
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