eISSN 2234-3814

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Fig. 1. Representative results obtained with our in-house MOG-Ab CBA, showing different intensities. The intensities of 1+ to 4+ were assigned according to the description of the CBA scores (Supplemental Data Table S1). Photographs of the samples were acquired using our in-house MOG-Ab CBA with samples from different patients, including patient #49 (score: 2+), patient #66 (score: 3+), and patient #71 (score: 4+). The CBA score of 0 was observed with a negative control, and the score of 1+ was observed with a sample from a patient with MOG-Ab-associated disease who was not included in this study.
Abbreviations: MOG-Ab, myelin oligodendrocyte glycoprotein autoantibody; CBA, cell-based assay.

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