eISSN 2234-3814

Table. 5.

Recommendations for result interpretation and reporting

Recommendation Grade of recommendation Level of evidence
Result interpretation
It may be considered to assess somatic variants based on clinical and biological interpretation. B I
It is recommended to conduct clinical interpretation in the context of the tumor type of the patient. A I
It is recommended to consider the possibility of false positives and clonal hematopoiesis of indeterminate potential when interpreting variants. A I
If germline pathogenic variants are suspected, it may be considered to sequence normal, matched samples as a confirmation test and provide genetic counseling to the patient. B I
Result reporting
It is recommended that the report includes essential information for clinical decision-making and is concise. A I
It is recommended to report general associations of variants and therapeutic options rather than specific recommendations. A I
It is recommended to acknowledge the possibility of false negatives as a limitation when a variant is not detected. A I
It may be considered to mention negative findings in actionable genes in a tumor-specific manner. B I
Ann Lab Med 2024;44:195~209

© Ann Lab Med