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Fig. 1. Comparison of hs-cTnT and CK-MB levels in 16,836 patients who visited tertiary hospital emergency department over 1 yr. (A) In AMI and non-AMI patients, CK-MB-positive patients had higher hs-cTnT levels than CK-MB-negative patients (AMI; median 0.366 vs. 0.038 ng/mL [P<0.0001], non-AMI; 0.042 vs. 0.008 ng/mL [P<0.0001]). (B) In patients with or without AMI, hs-cTnT-positive patients had higher CK-MB levels than hs-cTnT-negative patients (AMI; 4.78 vs. 0.79 ng/mL [P<0.0001], non-AMI; 1.18 vs. 0.40 ng/mL [P<0.0001]). A minus sign indicates the biomarker concentration is within the reference limit, while a plus sign shows it has exceeded the limit.
Abbreviations: hs-cTnT, high-sensitivity cardiac troponin T; CK-MB, creatine kinase- myocardial band; AMI, acute myocardial infarction.
Ann Lab Med 2024;44:586~590

© Ann Lab Med