eISSN 2234-3814

Table. 2. Demographics of the study population
Characteristics N (%)
Age (yrs)* 72 (63, 78)
Female sex 975 (39.7)
Primary 2185 (89.0)
Secondary/therapy-related 207 (8.4)
NA 62 (2.5)
WHO 2017 classification
MDS-del(5q) 139 (5.7)
MDS-SLD 191 (7.8)
MDS-MLD 639 (26.0)
MDS-SLD/MLD 91 (3.7)
MDS-RS-SLD 246 (10.0)
MDS-RS-MLD 212 (8.6)
MDS-RS-SLD/MLD 3 (0.1)
MDS-EB-1 458 (18.7)
MDS-EB-2 429 (17.5)
MDS-U 46 (1.9)
Very low 383 (15.6)
Low 917 (37.4)
Intermediate 482 (19.6)
High 312 (12.7)
Very high 253 (10.3)
NA 107 (4.4)
Very low 302 (12.3)
Low 746 (30.4)
Moderately low 258 (10.5)
Moderately high 244 (9.9)
High 325 (13.2)
Very high 430 (17.5)
NA 149 (6.1)
Disease-modifying treatment
None 1662 (67.7)
Lenalidomide alone 140 (5.7)
HMAs 377 (15.4)
Intensive chemotherapy§ 28 (1.1)
Transplantation|| 247 (10.1)

*Ages are presented as median with interquartile range; data for one patient was missing.

“MDS-SLD/MLD” and “MDS-RS-SLD/MLD” indicate that the number of dysplastic lineages was not specified, based on the pre-existing diagnosis assigned by Bernard, et al. [9].

HMAs (plus lenalidomide).

§Intensive chemotherapy (plus HMAs).

||Hematopoietic stem cell transplantation (plus lenalidomide, HMA, or intensive chemotherapy).

Abbreviations: NA, not assessed; -del(5q), with isolated del(5q); -SLD, with single lineage dysplasia; -MLD, with multilineage dysplasia; -RS, with ring sideroblasts; -EB, with excess blasts; MDS-U, MDS, unclassifiable; IPSS-R, Revised International Prognostic Scoring System; IPSS-M, Molecular International Prognostic Scoring System; HMAs, hypomethylating agents.

Ann Lab Med 2025;45:36~43

© Ann Lab Med