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Fig. 1.
Clinical assessment of IPSS-R and IPSS-M for 182 patients. (A) Sankey plot for restratification from the IPSS-R to the IPSS-M model using five risk groups. (B) Kaplan–Meier probability estimates of OS across the IPSS-R (top) and IPSS-M (bottom) categories. The dashed gray lines represent the median values. The global P was calculated using the log-rank test. Each HR and associated P were calculated by setting the low-risk group as the reference.
Abbreviations: IPSS-R, International Prognostic Scoring System, revised version; IPSS-M, Molecular International Prognostic Scoring System; OS, overall survival; HR, hazard ratio; NE, not evaluable; mo, months.
© Ann Lab Med