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Fig. 2.
MYBPC3 exon 14 splicing. (A) Schematic representation of the nucleotide sequences of exon 13, intron 13, and exon 14. Canonical splicing of intron 13 with the juxtaposition of the 3′-exon 13/5′-exon 14 junction is shown above (green lines). The variant c.1224-80G>A (in red) creates a cryptic splice acceptor site in intron 13 (dinucleotide “AG”), which leads to the juxtaposition of 3′-exon 13 with a locus upstream of 5′-exon 14 (bottom, red lines), inserting 78 intronic nucleotides into the transcript. (B) Representation of aligned NGS reads (top) and Sanger electropherogram (bottom) corresponding to the heterozygous variant c.1224-80G>A (arrow).
Abbreviation: NGS, next-generation sequencing.
© Ann Lab Med