eISSN 2234-3814

Table. 2. Transfused blood components
Transfused blood component Preoperative Intraoperative Postoperative
Packed RBC (A RhD-negative)* 2
Pre-storage leukoreduced RBC (A RhD-negative)* 9
Pre-storage leukoreduced RBC (A RhD-positive) 7 1
Single-donor platelet (AB RhD-positive) 3
FFP (AB RhD-positive) 50 15
Cryoprecipitate (AB RhD-positive) 6

The table result presents the number of units of transfused blood components.

*Initially, RhD-negative RBCs were prepared as requested, and issued preoperatively and intraoperatively; however, because of a shortage of RhD-negative RBCs and the recipient’s identification as being Asian-type DEL, RhD-positive RBCs were used in subsequent transfusions.

FFP was used as a replacement fluid in plasmapheresis.

Abbreviations: RBC, red blood cell; FFP, fresh-frozen plasma.

Ann Lab Med 2025;45:109~111

© Ann Lab Med