Evaluation of ADVIA Centaur HCV Assay for the Detection of Hepatitis C Virus Antibody:A Comparison Study with AxSYM HCV Version 3.0 Assay
2005; 25(3): 181-185
Korean J Lab Med 2006; 26(6): 436-441
Published online December 1, 2006 https://doi.org/10.3343/kjlm.2006.26.6.436
Copyright © Korean Society for Laboratory Medicine.
Sang-Hyun Hwang, M.D.1, Heung-Bum Oh, M.D.2, Hyon-Suk Kim, M.D.3, and Eun Yup Lee, M.D.1
Departments of Laboratory Medicine, Pusan National University School of Medicine1, Busan; University of Ulsan College of Medicine and Asan Medical Center2, Seoul; Yonsei University College of Medicine3, Seoul, Korea
Correspondence to: 오 흥 범
우 138-736 서울시 송파구 풍납동 388-1 서울아산병원 진단검사의학과
전화: 02-3010-4505, Fax : 02-478-0884
E-mail : hboh@amc.seoul.kr
*본 연구는 부산대학교 연구비(2006) 지원으로 일부 이루어졌음.
Background : In this study, we evaluated the performance of Elite microplate analyzer (Bio-Rad Laboratories, France) and the related assays (ULTRA line) for the detection of hepatitis B virus (HBV), hepatitis C virus (HCV) and human immunodeficiency virus (HIV).
Methods : Seroconversion panels, HBsAg positive/HBsAg negative (n=99/n=1,422), anti-HCV positive/negative (n=97/n=1,670), and anti-HIV positive/negative (n=112/n=1,704) samples were used to evaluate the performance of Monolisa HBsAg ULTRA, Monolisa HCV Ag-Ab ULTRA, and Genscreen ULTRA HIV Ag-Ab, respectively. The agreement of Elite microplate analyzer with CODA analyzer (Bio-Rad Laboratories, CA, USA) was also evaluated.
Results : The detection limit of Monolisa HBsAg ULTRA was 0.034 IU/mL. For Monolisa HBsAg ULTRA, Monolisa HCV Ag-Ab ULTRA, and Genscreen ULTRA HIV Ag-Ab, diagnostic sensitivities were all 100%, diagnostic specificities were 100%, 99.8% and 99.9%, and total CVs (coefficients of variation) were 13.8-17.5%, 3.4-5.2%, and 7.5-9.5%, respectively. The agreement of Elite microplate analyzer with CODA analyzer was 99.5%.
Conclusions : The performance of Elite microplate analyzer and the related assays on analytical sensitivity, precision, early detection, diagnostic sensitivity and specificity was all adequate for a mass screening. However, further large multi-center studies should be performed to validate our results.
Keywords: Hepatitis B virus, Hepatitis C virus, Human immunodeficiency virus, Evaluation, Sensitivity, Specificity, Elite Microplate Analyzer