Next-Generation Sequencing-Based Molecular Profiling Using Cell-Free DNA: A Valuable Tool for the Diagnostic and Prognostic Evaluation of Patients With Gastric Cancer
2024; 44(2): 119-121
Ann Lab Med 2024; 44(2): 164-173
Published online October 30, 2023
Copyright © Korean Society for Laboratory Medicine.
Boyeon Kim , M.D., Ph.D.1,2,*, Yoonjung Kim
, M.D., Ph.D.3,*, Jae Yong Cho
, M.D., Ph.D.4, and Kyung-A Lee, M.D., Ph.D.3
1Division of Biotechnology, Invites BioCore Co. Ltd., Yongin, Korea; 2Genome Service Development, Invites Genomics Co. Ltd., Jeju, Korea; 3Department of Laboratory Medicine, Gangnam Severance Hospital, Yonsei University College of Medicine, Seoul, Korea; 4Division of Medical Oncology, Department of Internal Medicine, Gangnam Severance Hospital, Yonsei University College of Medicine, Seoul, Korea
Correspondence to: Kyung-A Lee, M.D., Ph.D.
Department of Laboratory Medicine, Gangnam Severance Hospital, Yonsei University College of Medicine, 211 Eonju-Ro, Gangnam-Gu, Seoul 06273, Korea
Jae Yong Cho, M.D., Ph.D.
Division of Medical Oncology, Department of Internal Medicine, Gangnam Severance Hospital, Yonsei University College of Medicine, 211 Eonju-Ro, Gangnam-Gu, Seoul 06273, Korea
* These authors contributed equally to this study as co-first authors.
This is an Open Access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution Non-Commercial License ( which permits unrestricted non-commercial use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited.
Background: Molecular cancer profiling may lead to appropriate trials for molecularly targeted therapies. Cell-free DNA (cfDNA) is a promising diagnostic and/or prognostic biomarker in gastric cancer (GC). We characterized somatic genomic alterations in cfDNA of patients with GC.
Methods: Medical records and cfDNA data of 81 patients diagnosed as having GC were reviewed. Forty-nine and 32 patients were tested using the Oncomine Pan-Cancer Cell-Free Assay on the Ion Torrent platform and AlphaLiquid 100 kit on the Illumina platform, respectively.
Results: Tier I or II alterations were detected in 64.2% (52/81) of patients. Biomarkers for potential targeted therapy were detected in 55.6% of patients (45/81), and clinical trials are underway. ERBB2 amplification is actionable and was detected in 4.9% of patients (4/81). Among biomarkers showing potential for possible targeted therapy, TP53 mutation (38.3%, 35 variants in 31 patients, 31/81) and FGFR2 amplification (6.2%, 5/81) were detected the most.
Conclusions: Next-generation sequencing of cfDNA is a promising technique for the molecular profiling of GC. Evidence suggests that cfDNA analysis can provide accurate and reliable information on somatic genomic alterations in patients with GC, potentially replacing tissue biopsy as a diagnostic and prognostic tool. Through cfDNA analysis for molecular profiling, it may be possible to translate the molecular classification into therapeutic targets and predictive biomarkers, leading to personalized treatment options for patients with GC in the future.
Keywords: Biomarkers, Cell-free nucleic acids, Diagnostics, Genomics, High-throughput nucleotide sequencing, Mutation, Stomach neoplasm
Gastric cancer (GC) is the fifth most common cancer and the fourth most common cause of cancer-related deaths worldwide [1], highlighting the need for a better understanding of its molecular characteristics. Advances in molecular analysis have enabled the identification of patient subsets with differing genomic alterations despite the same histologic diagnosis in GC [2]. In 2014, The Cancer Genome Atlas (TCGA) suggested four subtypes of GC and gastroesophageal junction cancers: Epstein–Barr virus, microsatellite instability (MSI), chromosomal instability, and genomically stable [3]. The molecular and clinical characteristics of these subtypes differ, emphasizing the importance of molecular profiling in patients with GC. Kim,
According to Surveillance, Epidemiology, and End Results Program (SEER) data from the National Cancer Institute spanning 2011–2020, 33.9% of patients with GC are diagnosed in stage IV [5]. Data from the National Cancer Information Center spanning 2016–2020 indicated that 11.0% of patients are diagnosed in a late stage [6]. The National Comprehensive Cancer Network recommends the use of a validated comprehensive next-generation sequencing (NGS)-based cell-free DNA (cfDNA) genomic profiling assay for patients with advanced or metastatic GC who may be unable to undergo a tissue biopsy for disease progression monitoring [7]. cfDNA analysis has gained attention for its capability of sufficiently identifying the molecular profile of cancer, facilitating the development of appropriate trials for molecularly targeted therapies [8]. The Food and Drug Administration (FDA) recently approved
Genetic analysis in patients with GC has revealed several biomarkers for targeted therapy in GC. For example, the identification of
We aimed to identify well-defined targets or biological pathways that could potentially be used for molecular targeted therapy in patients with GC by analyzing cfDNA data obtained using the Ion Torrent S5 XL (Thermo Fisher Scientific, Waltham, MA, USA) and Illumina NextSeq-550 (Illumina, San Diego, CA, USA) platforms. In addition, we demonstrated the advantages of cfDNA analysis in patients with GC.
We conducted cfDNA analysis of 149 patients with solid cancer between September 2019 and February 2022. Among these patients, 81 were diagnosed as having advanced or metastatic GC by oncologists. In this retrospective study, cfDNA data and the medical records of these patients were reviewed. Forty of the patients were treatment-naïve, whereas 41 had previously undergone chemotherapy but had experienced recurrence or progression of GC. For the cfDNA analysis, all patients provided written informed consent for sample collection and genetic analysis. The study was approved by the Institutional Review Board of Gangnam Severance Hospital, Seoul, Korea (IRB No. 3-2022-0136).
Peripheral blood samples were collected into EDTA blood collection tubes (Vacutainer K2EDTA; BD Biosciences, Franklin Lakes, NJ, USA). Plasma was isolated by centrifugation at 2,000×
Genomic alterations that may serve as cancer biomarkers were analyzed using two NGS panels and sequencing platforms. The Oncomine Pan-Cancer Cell-Free Assay (Thermo Fisher Scientific) using Ion Torrent semi-conductor sequencing technology and the AlphaLiquid 100 kit (IMBDx, Seoul, Korea) using sequencing-by-synthesis technology were used. The respective target genes are listed in Table 1. In this paper, the Oncomine Pan-Cancer Cell-Free Assay is referred to as “assay A” and the AlphaLiquid 100 assay as “assay B”. For assay A,
Target genes evaluated by the two assays used for cfDNA analysis in this study
Mutation type | Genes | |
Oncomine Pan-Cancer Cell-Free Assay | AlphaLiquid 100 kit | |
SNVs, small indels | ||
CNVs | ||
Fusions | ||
Exon skipping |
*Genes additionally tested using Ion AmpliSeq HD Custom Panels.
Abbreviations: cfDNA, cell-free DNA; SNV, single-nucleotide variant; indel, insertion/deletion; CNV, copy number variation.
A DNA library of 49 samples was prepared. Templating and sequencing were performed using the Ion 540 Kit on the Ion Chef and on Ion Torrent. Alignment to the hg19 human reference genome and variant calling were performed using the Torrent Suite software v.5.12 and Ion Reporter v.5.14 (Thermo Fisher Scientific), respectively. The Torrent Suite software was used to assess molecular coverage depth and read coverage depth at the target base.
A DNA library of 32 samples was prepared. Hybrid capture-selected libraries were sequenced on an Illumina in the 150-bp paired-end mode. All sequencing reads were demultiplexed and converted into unmapped bam files, which store extracted unique molecular identifier (UMI) sequences. The unmapped bam files were aligned to the reference genome (GRCh38) using the Burrows–Wheeler Aligner MEM algorithm (0.7.17-r1188) [17]. GeneFuse [18] and SViCT [19] were used for gene fusion detection. Sequencing data were analyzed using AlphaLiquid Analysis Browser IMBER v.1.2 (IMBDx). Assay B can detect MSI in cfDNA. MSI was analyzed according to the manufacturer’s protocol.
Both assays allow analyzing single-nucleotide variants (SNVs), insertions/deletions (indels), copy number variations (CNVs), and fusions. According to the manufacturers’ specifications, the limits of detection (LODs) for SNVs and indels were set at an allele frequency (AF) of 0.1%. For LOD validation, we conducted tests using Seracare circulating tumor DNA (ctDNA) complete samples with AFs of 0.5% and 2.5%, and Seracare ctDNA Mutation V2 samples with an AF of 0.5%. We were unable to confirm variants with an AF <0.5%. Deveson,
For CNVs and fusions, we adapted the manufacturers’ specifications. For CNV reporting, assay A instructions recommend the sample-level QC criteria of the median absolute pairwise difference to be <0.4. The CNV ratio call thresholds had been empirically derived by the manufacturer using plasma samples from healthy donors with a normal CNV status [21]. To pass the bioinformatic QC threshold for CNVs, the CNV ratio for a copy number gain must be >1.15, and called copy number gains were visually reviewed from a copy number plot generated by Ion Reporter [22]. Assay A does not report copy number loss. For CNV reporting in assay B, at least ≥2.6 copies were considered. For fusion reporting, ≥2 reads with mapping quality ≥10 should be satisfied.
For interpretation and reporting, tiers I–III of both fusions and CNVs were reported according to the guidelines of the Association for Molecular Pathology, American Society of Clinical Oncology, and College of American Pathologists [23]. To exclude germline variants, we conducted Sanger sequencing on patients’ peripheral blood mononuclear cells (PBMCs) for variants classified as tier I or tier II with AFs of 40%–60%.
Statistical analyses were conducted and graphs generated using GraphPad Prism software v.9.3 for Windows (GraphPad Software, San Diego, CA, USA) and Microsoft Excel 2013 (Microsoft, Redmond, WA, USA). Data are presented as medians and interquartile ranges.
Sample-level QCs of assays A and B are summarized in Supplemental Data Tables S1 and S2, respectively. Sample DNA concentrations are presented in Supplemental Data Fig. S1. The median DNA concentrations measured using the Qubit 3.0 Fluorometer and 2200 TapeStation were 3.2 ng/µL and 2.8 ng/µL, respectively. The median cfDNA inputs in assays A and B were 32.0 ng and 30.9 ng, respectively.
For assay A, the median percentage on-target reads was 97%, median uniformity of base coverage was 99%, median overall mapped reads was 19,995,625, median read coverage was 60,380, and median molecular coverage was 6,201. For assay B, the median mapped reads in the high- and mid-output flow cells were 84,960,287 and 128,087,414, respectively. The median on-target read ratios were 64.5 for the high-output flow cell and 73.5 for the mid-output flow cell. The median on-target mean depths in the high- and mid-output flow cells were 13,021 and 20,875, respectively. Fragment uniformity was 97% for both flow cells.
Among the 81 patients with GC, 48 were male and 33 were female, and the median age was 58 yrs (range, 25–82 yrs). At the time of diagnosis, three patients were in TNM stage IIb, one in IIIa, three in IIIb, two in IIIc, and 72 in stage IV. All patients were diagnosed as having advanced or metastatic GC by an oncologist. Patient characteristics and cfDNA analysis results are provided in Supplemental Data Table S3. Among the 81 patients, 40 patients were treatment-naïve. Tier I or II alterations were detected in 80% (32/40) of treatment-naïve patients and in 48.8% (20/41) of patients who were not treatment-naïve.
Among 32 samples tested with assay B, 30 samples showed microsatellite stability (MSS), one MSI-high, and one MSI-low. Six of the 32 patients were also tested for MSI in tissue; the results were all MSS, which agreed with the results for cfDNA. Tier I or II alterations were detected in 52 of 81 patients (64.2%). Assays A and B detected tier I or II variants in 28/49 patients (57.1%) and 24/32 patients (75.0%), respectively. Four CNVs were reported as tier I. Seventy-four SNVs, 21 indels, 23 CNVs, and one fusion were reported as tier II; 163 SNVs, 12 indels, and seven CNVs were reported as tier III. Patient No. 29 reportedly had an
The most commonly detected mutations were
Commonly detected mutations in our study
Gene | Frequency | N by mutation type |
38.3% (31/81) | 31 SNVs and 4 indels | |
13.6% (11/81) | 5 SNVs and 6 indels | |
9.9% (8/81) | 8 SNVs | |
9.4% (3/32) | 1 SNV and 3 indels | |
4.9% (4/81) | 4 SNVs | |
3.7% (3/81) | 4 SNVs | |
6.2% (5/81) | 5 amplifications | |
4.9% (4/81) | 4 amplifications | |
9.4% (3/32) | 3 amplifications | |
9.4% (3/32) | 3 amplifications | |
3.7% (3/81) | 3 amplifications | |
3.7% (3/81) | 3 amplifications |
*CNVs were detected in these genes.
Abbreviations: SNV, single-nucleotide variant; CNV, copy number variation.
The patients were categorized based on specific biomarkers for targeted therapy and markers undergoing clinical trials. Eleven biomarkers were selected from Nakamura,
Patient subgroup according to established and potential biomarkers of targeted therapies in gastric cancer
Biomarker* | Established/in clinical trials‡ | N | Specifications |
First line: trastuzumab+chemotherapy Third line: trastuzumab, deruxtecan NCT05190445, NCT05152147, NCT02465060, NCT04143711 | 4 (4/81, 4.9%) | Assay A: 1/49, 2.0% Assay B: 3/32, 9.4% | |
NCT05019794, NCT04189445 | 5 (5/81, 6.2%) | Assay A: 1/49, 2.0% Assay B: 4/32, 12.5% | |
NCT05019794, NCT04189445 | 1 (1/81, 1.2%) | Assay A: 0/49, 0.0% Assay B: 1/32, 3.1% | |
NCT04077255, NCT04739202 | 3 (3/81, 3.7%) | Assay A: 2/49, 4.1% Assay B: 1/32, 3.1% | |
NCT05252416 | 3 (3/32, 9.4%) | - | |
NCT02465060 | 12 (9/81, 11.1%; 3/32, 9.4%) | Assay A: 5/49, 10.2% Assay B: 4/32, 12.5% 9 mutations (8 KRAS, 1 NRAS) 3 | |
NCT03641313 | 31 (31/81, 38.3%) | Assay A: 17/49, 34.7% Assay B: 14/32, 43.8% 35 mutations in 31 patients | |
NCT04526470, NCT04739202, NCT02465060 | 2 (2/81, 2.5%) | Assay A: 1/49, 2.0% Assay B: 1/32, 3.1% 2 mutations No amplification | |
NCT05379972 | 3 (3/32, 9.4%) | 4 mutations from 3 patients | |
NCT04923932, NCT05620628, NCT05439993, NCT03993873, NCT02465060 | 3 (3/81, 3.7%) | Assay A: 3/49, 6.1% Assay B: 0/32, 0.0% | |
NCT02465060 | 1 (1/32, 3.1%) | p.Phe471LeufsTer14 from #69 patient |
*Biomarkers first described in Nakamura,
‡Phase II or III clinical trials with “active, not recruiting” or “recruiting” status are listed.
Abbreviation: NCT, national clinical trial.
The remaining 10 biomarkers are not currently actionable but show potential for possible targeted therapy, with clinical trials underway. Details on these 10 biomarkers in phase II or III clinical trials that are “active, not recruiting” or “recruiting” are listed in Table 3. Among the 52 patients with significant tier I or II variants, 45 patients (45/52, 86.5%; 45/81, 55.6%) had noteworthy biomarkers that could be detected using liquid biopsy.
We report on our experience with using two different NGS platforms for cfDNA analysis and demonstrated the effectiveness of liquid biopsy for molecular profiling of patients with GC. Using assays A and B, tier I or II variants were identified in 28/49 (57.1%) and 24/32 (75.0%) patients, respectively. Overall, tier I or II variants were detected in 64.2% (52/81) of patients with GC.
To increase the detection of true-positive mutations from highly fragmented and low quantities of circulating tumor DNA, UMIs were applied in both assays A and B. In assay B, the UniqSeq protocol and a series of IMBdx in-house filtering steps were used to eliminate false calls, and a machine learning model was used to distinguish true variants from false calls [25]. Both assays were able to detect significant variants in more than half of the patients, with assay B being developed later and containing more target genes than assay A.
Based on our routine laboratory practice, both NGS assays have their pros and cons. Assay A is developed for Ion Torrent, a PCR-based enrichment method. It has a two-day sample-to-report workflow [26], and cfDNA concentrations as low as 5 ng may be sufficient for evaluation [27]. However, because of the characteristics of the amplicon-based method, it may be difficult to detect unexpected fusions, and the fact that MSI information is not provided can be a disadvantage. Assay B is developed for Illumina, a hybrid capture-based method. This method takes longer than the PCR-based enrichment method but is effective for targeting large genomic regions [28]. Furthermore, assay B provides MSI information and can detect unexpected fusions such as
We selected actionable potential biomarkers from Nakamura,
Both our data and GENIE v11.0-public data in the cBioPortal database ( indicate that
This study had several limitations. First, we only used cfDNA data from patients with advanced or metastatic GC, and data from patients with early-stage GC were not included. Moreover, not all cfDNA data could be directly compared with tissue biopsy data. As obtaining tissue biopsies from patients with advanced or metastatic GC is challenging, not all patients could undergo tissue biopsy. Nevertheless, although limited by the retrospective nature of this study, we included data from patients who underwent tissue biopsy in Supplemental Data Table S3 to provide additional insights. Second, we detected significant mutations in 55.6% of patients; however, the data were obtained using two different NGS assays with different gene panels. Direct comparison of the same patients using both assays was not feasible because our laboratory initially used assay A and later transitioned to assay B. Nonetheless, it is worthwhile to share our experience with using two different commercial assays for cfDNA testing considering that each assay uses a different NGS platform. Furthermore, MSI detection is limited to assay B; therefore, MSI status could only be evaluated in the 32 samples tested with assay B. Finally, we could not distinguish between somatic variants and clonal hematopoiesis of indeterminate potential based on our data; however, tier I or II variants with an AF of 40%–60% were subjected to Sanger sequencing to assess whether they were germline or somatic in origin. As shown in Supplemental Data Table S4 and Supplemental Data Fig. S2, we conducted Sanger sequencing on four variants using patients’ PBMCs, which confirmed that they were somatic.
Despite these limitations, our study highlighted the advantages of liquid biopsy. Obtaining tissue samples, especially from patients with advanced or metastatic GC, can be challenging. Even when tissue is obtained, there is a risk of missing certain mutations because of tissue heterogeneity. In our study, notable biomarkers were found in 45 of 81 patients (55.6%), demonstrating the effectiveness of cfDNA analysis. Compared with other genome profiling studies in Korean patients [12], our cfDNA analysis demonstrated the advantage of liquid biopsy. While the VIKTORY trial relied on results from 715 tissue samples, we solely used cfDNA extracted from plasma (Supplemental Data Table S5). The prevalence of
Our study suggests that the genetic profiling of GC can be useful for finding not only novel molecular pathways but also biomarkers that may be targeted by existing therapies effective in other cancer types. We detected an
Our study provided insights into the strengths and weaknesses of two cfDNA assays using different NGS platforms for use in patients with GC. Our research can help clinicians and researchers make better-informed decisions about which method may be best suited for their particular needs and goals. Furthermore, our research demonstrated the effectiveness of cfDNA analysis in providing oncologists with tumor genetic information to better understand the disease progression and select suitable treatment options for patients with GC.
In conclusion, our findings suggest that cfDNA analysis holds great promise as an alternative for tissue biopsy as a diagnostic tool. Molecular profiles obtained through cfDNA analysis can be translated into therapeutic targets and predictive biomarkers, which may allow for personalized treatment in the future. Our study highlights the immense potential of cfDNA analysis in improving the management of patients with GC.
Supplementary materials can be found via
Kim B and Kim Y analyzed the data and wrote the manuscript. Cho JY acquired funding and administrated the project. Lee KA managed the study and supervised and discussed the results. All authors reviewed and approved the final version of the manuscript.
None declared.
This study was supported by a faculty research grant from Yonsei University College of Medicine (6-2019-0077) and the Ministry of Health and Welfare, Korea (HI14C1277).